Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Slow start to the week

It seems like the week has been dragging along because it has felt super slow around here despite finals approaching for me. On Monday and Tuesday the boys got to visit the park and bake cookies. Today it was rainy so we declared it a movie day and made mini pizzas and watched Disney movies. Tomorrow I have my last final, which has been keeping me busy and from posting more. But starting next week I can't wait to have more photos again and share with all of you how are day was. Here is to a good rest of the week!
Playing with his toy in his sleep. It was pretty funny really, he wouldn't let go!

Honestly, Kraft should pay my kid to advertise for them. Thomas loves his mac and cheese!

My little chefs making cookies, Oliver wanted to lick the bowl! ;-)

Thomas working hard

Oliver eating rice cereal, he couldn't get enough tonight