Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Countdown to Christmas!

It's December! And that means its time for Christmas sweaters. I found an old sweater from when Thomas was a baby and gave it to Oliver. It fit perfectly. Too cute for words.

Last weekend, Brent's side of the family visited and spent Thanksgiving with us. Reid and Jessie stayed with us Wednesday night and Todd, Kim and Kayla were in town Wednesday thru Saturday. We enjoyed some yummy Amana Colonies food and Kim was so nice, she got 3 pies to go. Unfortunately it was so good that we are already out of it! :)

We also put the Christmas tree and decorations up in the house on Thanksgiving. The tree is all decorated and most of the presents are all wrapped or hidden in the closet away from little eyes to peak at. Though, Thomas has been quite the sneaky one already. Monday morning we woke up to him ripping open a present. We had to explain to him that its not Christmas YET. Can't open the presents until Santa comes.

Here are some cute pictures of the boys today. Lindsay hiding in the background there in the picture. She stopped by to say hello today and see the boys. She was trying to get Oliver to walk for the camera. He is very close to full on walking. Last night he walked half way across the living room all on his own. Hard to believe how fast both of the boys have grown this year. I can't believe it's almost 2010 already!

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