Thursday, May 27, 2010


Oh blogging! How I have abandoned you!!!
Okay okay I won't be over dramatic about it, but I have been a very bad blogger this spring. To update everyone though--I started a new job with Nordstrom at the end of March and have been busy between the two jobs and managing things around the house. Don't worry--I am still sane, well I think so anyways!
The boys have gotten so big since the last I wrote. Oliver is running all over the place and has proven to be even more of a handful than his brother was at this age. Thank goodness he is usually running after his older brother or I suspect I would be chasing him nonstop. It might be good exercise but I think I would run through a lot of shoes!
The spring weather has been very nice. Brent and I found a great deal on a swing set for the boys on craigslist. We have been enjoying most of our evenings outside playing with the boys. Last weekend we were even able to get the kiddie pool out with all the hot summer weather we have been getting. Thomas now asks every day if he can go swimming and play outside with his playmates in the neighborhood.
Oliver has learned several new skills this spring. He can say a lot of words now. He knows mama, dada, brother, dog dog, cat, hat, ball, cup, baba (bottle), shoes, shirt, pants, elmo, car, book, slide, please, help, whats that, hi, bye bye, and grandma. I am sure I am leaving more off, it seems he learns a new one every day. He also loves animal noises and loves to blow kisses and wave hi to everyone when we are out and about. We have had a little separation anxiety this spring and he doesn't like to leave mom or dad but he is proving to be such a bright little boy.
Oliver isn't the only one to learn a bunch of new things this spring, Thomas has grown up so much! Thomas has mastered reciting the alphabet and is getting very good at writing his letters. He now knows how to write his name perfectly. He also surprised me by writing "MOM" on mothers day all on his own! The next weekend I taught him how to write "DAD" with the chalk out on the sidewalk. He is very proud of himself. He also is very caring and loves to give hugs and kisses and chat it up with the neighbors and our friends at church. He had his last Sunday school class of the 09-10 church year and I think he is really going to miss it this summer. He loves playing with the kids in the neighborhood. His best buddy is Cooper and Ben, though he loves CJ and Libby too! And even though he an Laina fight he tells me he likes her too!
Brent has just started golf league. He went back home to play in a tournament in a couple weekends ago and placed first with his team. He was quite elated because he got to play with a couple of old teachers of his and he showed them how the "real golf pros" do it. He loves working in Cedar Rapids and has a great team. Right now we car pool together and even though he knows how to push my buttons I do enjoy driving with him. As long as he lets me pick the radio station that is.... :-)
As for the big summer plans we are gearing up to travel to Myrtle Beach to kick off our summer and then we will enjoy the North Liberty Fun Days festival. Then we hope to enjoy some good 4th of July festivities and get in as much golf as possible before the craziness of August and fall arrives with that good ol' Hawkeye Football.
As for pictures I have oodles and oodles to share, so be prepared for lots of photos!

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